Rosa de Jong设计的微型住宅建在用软木建造的小悬崖边上。她的微型环境覆盖着假苔藓,点缀着造型树木,为小房子增添了迷人的元素。此前,她曾将作品悬挂在玻璃管中,这让人产生了作品漂浮在半空中的错觉。她最近的作品挂在两块玻璃之间,用细金属丝固定。

Designer Rosa de Jong produces micro homes that are built into the side of tiny cliffs co
nstructed out of cork. Her miniature enviro
nments are covered in fake moss and dotted with modeling trees, which add an enchanting element to the small homes. Previously she has suspended her creations in glass tubes, which created the illusion that the works were floating in mid-air.Her most recent pieces hang between two panes of glass and are secured with thin wires. De Jong collaborated with her father to create the wooden f
rames for the structures, which include tiny wheels that allow the owner to adjust the position of the floating islands. Two of her new works, Remembered and Imagined, will be shown simultaneously at an upcoming dual-city exhibition which opens on August 24, 2018 at Paradigm Gallery in Philadelphia and August 30, 2018 at Antler Gallery in Portland, Oregon. You can see more of the Amsterdam-ba
sed designer’s miniature homes on Instagram and her Micro Matter website.