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2018-10-25 1813 8
英国艺术家内森·沃尔什(Nathan walshartist)通过从不同角度和参考图像组合而成的油画城市景观。他最新的作品《星火燎原》是他在两年多的时间里三次访问纽约市时拍摄的照片组合而成的。这幅画更准确地捕捉了时代广场的感觉,呈现了多个地平线点,让观者感觉仿佛置身于霓虹灯的环境中心。沃尔什除了为他选择的地点拍了很多照片外,还花时间在一系列的缩略图上描绘他周围的环境。一旦他决定了绘画的主题和比例,他就会以一种相当松散和直观的方式画出元素。通过从每个场景的各种照片中选择片段,Walsh能够在城市环境中构建他自己的空间现实。

“Pier 17(2018), oil on canvas, 85 x 50 inches, all images via Nathan WalshBritish artist Nathan Walsh (previously) creates oil painted cityscapes by combining reference images from a range of perspectives and angles. His latest work Catching Fire was created from a combination of photographs taken during three visits to New York City over a two year period. The painting more accurately captures the feeling of Times Square rather an exact representation, presenting multiple horizon points to make the viewer feel as if they are at the center of the neon-washed environment.In addition to taking numerous photographs of his chosen location, Walsh also spends time sketching his surroundings in a series of thumbnail drawings. “Of late I’ve found the sketchbook to be of increasing importance even for notes on color or whatever I happen to be thinking about at the time,he tells Colossal. “This immediate personal response to the environment plays an important role when I’m back in my studio in the United Kingdom and reliant on the photographs taken.”once he’s decided on the subject and scale of the painting, he draws in elements in a fairly loose and intuitive way. “Freehand drawing is fundamental to all of my work, allowing me to take full ownership of photographic material,he explains. “Rejecting the mechanical transfer of imagery forces me to construct each object from scratch and allows for a fluid and inventive approach.”By selecting segments from a variety of photographs of each scene, Walsh is able to construct his own reality of a space within an urban environment. This includes shifting key elements of his paintings into what he describes as different perspective “zones,which he explains allows his works to more closely relate to how we experience a city while we are walking through it.Over the last three years, Walsh’s paintings have begun to focus more heavily on the weather conditions present in a particular location, homing in on the reflective sidewalks produced during a rainstorm or the geometric bands of light that infiltrate an urban space during a bright, cloudless day. You can view of a selection of Walsh’s New York City paintings in his upcoming solo exhibition at Bernarducci Gallery in Manhattan, which opens September 6 and runs through September 29, 2018. More of Walsh’s cityscapes can be seen on his Instagram and Twitter.“Catching Fire(2017), oil on canvas, 53 x 108 inchesDrawing for “Catching Fire(2017), oil on canvas, 53 x 108 inches“Lake Street’ (2017), oil on linen, 34 x 52 inches“ZBAR(2016), oil on canvas, 51 x 115 inches“Ed Koch(2018), oil on canvas, 85 x 56 inchesDetail of “Ed Koch(2018), oil on canvas, 85 x 56 inchesDetail drawing of “Ed Koch(2018), oil on canvas, 85 x 56 inches“Peninsula(2017), oil on canvas, 69 x 133 inches