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2018-11-01 1786 7
纺织艺术家亚历山德拉·克哈约格罗(Alexandra Kehayoglou)创作了实用的艺术作品,探索她的祖国阿根廷的自然景观。她选择的地点往往与政治争议有关,比如圣克鲁兹河(Santa Cruz River),或是人类活动显著改变的地区,比如拉格乔河(Raggio creek)。Kehayoglou把她的手艺作为一个机会,作为一种环保意识的号召,她把自己对消失的水道和草原的记忆和研究融入了她的手工编织作品中。每一幅挂毯都使用了她家8217号工厂的多余材料,这家工厂生产工业地毯已有60多年的历史。这种独一无二的地毯通常是靠墙安装的,一部分作品沿着地板拖着走,这样游客可以在地毯上行走或躺下。2017年12月,她的作品《圣克鲁兹河》被列入墨尔本维多利亚三年展国家美术馆。这个作品展示了她对未来河流筑坝的研究,以及她自己对持续影响周边地区的危害的解释。

“Santa Cruz River(2016-2017), Textile tapestry (handtuft system), wool, 980 x 420 cm, Courtesy of The National Gallery of Victoria.Textile artist Alexandra Kehayoglou (previously) creates functional works of art that explore the natural landscapes of her native Argentina. Her selected locations are often ones tied to political controversy, such as the Santa Cruz River, or areas dramatically altered by human activity, such as the Raggio creek. Kehayoglou uses her craft as a chance as a call for environmental awareness, embedding her own memory and research of the disappearing waterways and grasslands into her hand-tufted works.Each tapestry uses surplus materials from her family’s factory, which has manufactured industrial carpets for more than six decades. The one-of-a-kind carpets are often installed against the wall, with a section of the work trailing along the floor so visitors can walk or lay on the woven rugs.In December 2017, her piece Santa Cruz River was included in the National Gallery of Victoria Triennial in Melbourne. The installation showcased her research behind the future damming of the river and her own interpretation of the harm that will continue to influence the surrounding area. Later this month Kehayoglou will present a new site-specific tapestry that explores the tribes of Patagonia in the group exhibition Dream at the Chiostro del Bramante in Rome. You can see more of her work on her website and Instagram.“Santa Cruz Riverdetail (2016-2017), Textile tapestry (handtuft system), wool, 980 x 420 cm“Santa Cruz Riverdetail (2016-2017), Textile tapestry (handtuft system), wool, 980 x 420 cm“Hope the voyage is a long one(2016), Textile tapestry (handtuft system), wool“Hope the voyage is a long one(2016), Textile tapestry (handtuft system), wool“No Longer Creek(2016), Textile tapestry (handtuft system), wool, 820 x 460 cm, Presented at Design Miami/ basel, 2016 | basel, Switzerland. Commissioned by Artsy. Courtesy of Artsy & The National Gallery of Victoria.“Santa Cruz River II(2017), Textile tapestry (handtuft system), wool, 205 x 150 cm