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2018-11-02 1856 0
David Louf,又名June,在1985年的丹佛,一直在创造引人注目的城市干预,最近创作了一些壁画,在建筑元素上添加了三维效果。在去年他充满活力的几何抽象挑战观众认知,一个超过130英尺直径的圆屋顶在北卡罗莱纳,一个在丹佛的令人费解的3D壁画以及最近在柏林一块宏大的城市国家。无论是在涂鸦作品中作画,还是在他的多学科平面设计工作室工作,还是创作大型壁画项目,Louf一直致力于融合他对版式的热爱、对抽象的痴迷和涂鸦文化的自由精神。这些结果经常用于最不寻常和最意想不到的城市结构。在现有建筑元素和障碍的挑战下,Louf喜欢构建与环境交互的创作。他用激光笔画出主要的方向线。然后他以一种近乎有机的方式描绘出他抽象的设计,填满了他设计的所有结构的整个侧面。

Denver, USASince 1985 David Louf, aka Mr. June, has been creating striking urban interventions, recently producing murals that layer three-dimensional effects onto architectural elements. Within the last year his vibrant geometric abstractions have challenged viewer’s perceptions in projects across the world, including a piece in Little Havana, Miami, an over 130-foot diameter dome in North Carolina, a mind-bending 3D mural for RAW project in Denver, and most recently, a grandiose piece for Urban Nation in Berlin.Whether he is painting a graffiti piece, working in his multi-disciplinary graphic design studio, or creating a large mural project, Louf continuously aims to blend his love for typography, fascination with abstraction, and free spirit of graffiti culture. These results are regularly applied to the most unusual and unexpected urban structures.Challenged by the existing architectural elements and obstacles, Louf likes to construct creations that will interact with their environment. He uses a laser liner to sketch up the main directional lines. Then he paints his abstract designs in an almost organic way, typically filling the entire side of whatever structure he is working on. “I always hope I can create a moment of awareness,Louf tells Colossal. “Awareness of the viewer at that spot at that moment.”Colossal ran into him fresh off the cherrypicker in Berlin where he had just finished painting a whole building opposite of Urban Nation. Now he is headed to future projects in Amsterdam, Aruba, and China, and prepping several studio pieces for an upcoming solo show in Miami during Art basel week. You can see more of his geometric interventions on his website and Instagram, and the water tank roof he painted in Greensboro, North Carolina in the video below.Rotterdam, The NetherlandsMiami, USAHelsinki, FinlandHelsinki, Finland