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2018-11-02 2069 0
马克·弗恩斯(Marc Fornes)和他的艺术与建筑工作室THEVERYMANY安装了一个由白色铝制成的多孔室外展馆。横跨球根结构的孔洞允许光线从各个方向涌入,在室内洒上各种各样的微型光束。它的经验在许多网站上的一份声明中得到了详细说明:皮肤的复杂性表明了一个密度:四肢、开口、部分和它们的连接。你必须让你的眼睛适应体验的决心。如果你再次转移视线,整个场景就会被淹没,让人敬畏,迫使你更靠近,更深入,穿过一个没有边缘的空间。双弯曲的表面没有产生规则的阴影,给眼睛提供了很少的信息来感知它的规模或深度。安装的弯曲特性鼓励玩耍,因为外墙的曲率向内弯曲形成内部,反之亦然。

All images by NAAROFor the 2018 Jinji Lake Biennale in Suzhou, China, Marc Fornes and his art and architecture studio THEVERYMANY (previously here and here) installed a porous outdoor pavilion crafted from white aluminum. Holes that span the bulbous structure allow light to pour in from each direction, sprinkling the interior with a variegated influx of miniature light beams. The piece is titled Boolean Operator after the search function that determines relationships between statements, concepts, or forms. Its experience is detailed in a statement on THEVERYMANY’s website:The intricacy of the skin asserts a density: of limbs, of openings, of parts and their connections. You have to let your eyes adjust to the resolution of the experience. Unfocusing your gaze again, the whole scene overwhelms, strikes awe, compels you to move closer, deeper, and through an edgeless space. The doubly-curved surfaces cast no regular shadows, giving little information to the eye to perceive its scale or depth.The winding nature of the installation encourages play, as the curvature of the outside walls turn inward to form the interior, and vice versa. You can see more projects by the New York City-based studio on their Instagram. (via NOTCOT)