锁子甲、针和洗碗手套:虽然不是你想要的那种材料,但英国艺术家苏茜·麦克默里(Susie MacMurray)在她灵感来自服装的雕塑中使用了它们。macmurray的第一件作品是Gladrags,在2002年用1万个粉色气球制作的。自那以后,这位艺术家还创作了其他几件看似可穿戴的雕塑,包括美杜莎(铜链锁子甲)、寡妇(皮革和10万套裁缝针),以及各种脆弱(1400只家用手套)。“我想你几乎可以把它们叫做肖像,我的许多雕塑和绘画实践都以这样或那样的方式与女性身份的感知有关,包括内部和外部的。除了她的服装雕塑,MacMurray也创作素描和建筑装置。

Chain mail, needles, and dishwashing gloves: though not the materials you’d expect a dress to be made from, British artist Susie MacMurray uses them in her garment-inspired sculptures. MacMurray’s first piece in this body of work was Gladrags, made in 2002 from 10,000 pink balloons. Since then, the artist has produced several other seemingly wearable sculptures including Medusa (copper chain mail), Widow (leather and 100,000 dressmaker needles), and A Mixture of Frailties (1,400 household gloves).“They have all been more co
ncerned with the perception of women, their power and their vulnerabilities,she explains to Colossal. “I am interested in how human strengths and frailties can often be one and the same thing. I suppose you could almost call them portraits… Much of my sculpture and drawing practice is co
ncerned in one way or another with the perception and negotiation of female identity, both internal and external.”MacMurray was formerly a classical musician, and she retrained as an artist, graduating in 2001 with an MA in Fine Art. In addition to her garment sculptures, MacMurray also creates drawings and architectural installations. You can see more of her work on her website and Twitter. (via #WomensArt)