芭芭拉·威尔登布尔(Barbara Wildenboer)用精雕细琢的书籍拼凑出雕塑作品,每本书的书脊上都摊开着薄薄的纸条。wildenboer发现书籍通常包含地图、地图集和科学主题,有时使用书中的图片作为她作品的中心元素。意象、词语和句子成为更大设计的组成部分,她从原始材料中创造了新的视觉叙事。通过创造视觉隐喻,Wildenboer试图捕捉她自己对自然界复杂系统的理解,比如分形几何和所有生物的相互联系。她跨越几个学科来展示我们对生活的理解,她把每一本书的世界延伸到封面之外。Wildenboer在南非开普敦生活和工作,2007年她在开普敦大学的米凯利斯艺术学院获得了美术硕士学位。

Barbara Wildenboer produces sculptures pieced together from delicately cut books, thin strips of paper splaying out from each book’s spine. Wildenboer’s found books are often o
nes co
ntaining maps, atlases, and scientific subject matter, sometimes using images from the book as central elements to her pieces. Imagery, words, and sentences become compo
nents of the larger designs, as she crafts new visual narratives from the raw material.By producing visual me
taphors, Wildenboer attempts to capture her own wo
nder of complex systems in nature like fractal geometry and the interco
nnectedness of all beings. She works across several academic disciplines to showcase how our understanding of life is often mediated through text, stretching the world of each book she manipulates outside of its own cover.Wildenboer lives and works in Cape Town, South Africa, wher
e she received her Masters in Fine Art from the Michaelis School of Art at the University of Cape Town in 2007. Her latest body of work, “The Lotus Eaters“, toured South Africa after opening at The Reservoir at the Oliewenhuis Art Museum in Bloemfo
ntein in 2014. (via Colossal Submissions)