自2007年以来,柏林艺术家Jan Vormann使用了数万块乐高积木来修补世界各地建筑结构上的破洞。他用彩色砖模仿砖或鹅卵石建造的建筑物,他经常维修,但规模很小。一些积木只有几十个乐高玩具,而另一些则覆盖着贯穿整面墙的锯齿状扩展空间。最近,这位艺术家把他的派遣项目带到挪威的斯塔万格,参加了第17届Nuart艺术节。Vormann将乐高积木放入没有灌浆的结构中,填入从墙壁上脱落下来的砖块,并围绕随着时间推移而被侵蚀的基石建造。Vormann鼓励其他人加入他在世界各地城市的修补建造,并建立了一个互动网站,跟踪从开普敦到首尔的新添加。

Stavanger, NorwaySince 2007, Berlin-ba
sed artist Jan Vormann has used tens of thousands of LEGO bricks to patch crumbling holes in architectural structures around the world. His colorful bricks imitate the brick or cobblestone-co
nstructed buildings he often “repairs,however at a miniature scale. Some pieces have just a few dozen LEGOs incorporated into an installation, while others cover zig-zagging expanses that reach across entire walls.Recently the artist took his Dispatchwork project to Stavanger, Norway wher
e he participated in the 17th iteration of Nuart Festival. Vormann placed LEGOs into structures with missing grout, filled in bricks that have fallen out of walls, and built around cornersto
nes which have eroded over time. Vormann encourages others to join him in his playful additions to cities across the globe, and as built an interactive website to track new additions from Cape Town to Seoul. You can follow his miniature constructions, including a new installation at the Venice Architecture Biennal, by following him on Instagram. (via Juxtapoz)Stavanger, NorwayStavanger, NorwayStavanger, NorwayPlovdiv, BulgariaParis, FranceParis, FranceParis, France