nit BarangaSculptor Ro
nit Baranga提供的图像都产生了具象的陶瓷作品,将人类特征与无生命的物体如茶杯、茶托和盘子相结合。张开的嘴被放在杯子和罐子的中央,乞求着啜饮倒在里面的东西,而手指放在碗的底部,看起来就像是要把东西从桌子上拿过来。

“Tea Party,all images provided by Ro
nit BarangaSculptor Ro
nit Baranga (previously here and here) produces figurative ceramic works that combine human characteristics with inanimate objects such as teacups, saucers, and plates. Open mouths are placed at the center of cups and pots, begging to sip the co
ntents poured inside, while fingers mounted to the bottom of the pieces look as if they might carry the works across the table.The Israel-ba
sed artist currently has a solo exhibition titled Tea Party at Beinart Gallery in Melbourne, Australia which closes September 30, 2018. Her work is also included in Beautiful Bizarre Magazine‘s curated exhibition Ephemeral at Modern Eden Gallery in San Francisco through October 6, 2018, and the group exhibition Beauties and the Beast at Galerie Klose in Essen, Germany opening September 28. You can see more of her anatomical ceramics on her website and Instagram.“Whispering to Myself”“Embraced #22”“Wild Things #3”“Wild Thing #11”“Whispering to Myself #1”“The Wild Things”“The Wild Things”“Hallowed Lady Pinching and Squeezing Kettle”“Hallowed Lady Pinching and Squeezing Kettle”“Embraced in Blue”