花卉艺术家丽贝卡·路易斯·劳(Rebecca Louise Law)四处旅行,在世界各地安装她心爱的层叠花簇。最近,这位英国艺术家与俄亥俄州托莱多的居民合作安装了Community,这是她迄今为止最大的作品。在当地志愿者的大力帮助下,此次展览共展出了50多万朵鲜花。作品由从以前的展览中保存下来的干花和超过150,000种本地植物组成。该展览将于2019年1月13日在托莱多艺术博物馆展出。

Floral artist Rebecca Louise Law (previously) travels widely to install her beloved cascading flower showers around the world. Most recently, the UK-ba
sed artist worked with residents of Toledo, Ohio to install Community, her largest work to date. The exhibition incorporates over 500,000 flowers, installed with substantial help from local volunteers. Community is comprised of dried flowers preserved from previous exhibitions as well as over 150,000 locally sourced native plants. The exhibit is on view at the Toledo Art Museum through January 13, 2019. You can see a time-lapse of the installation in the video below, and explore more of Law’s work on Instagram and Facebook.