芝加哥艺术家Joshua Harker最近公布了一幅名为《21世纪自画像》的3D打印雕塑自画像。哈克利用3D扫描他的脸和CT扫描他的头骨形成的组件加上他标志性的金银丝细工。《21世纪英文报》的自画像于今年2月在纽约3D Printshow上首次亮相。如果你感兴趣的话,Harker现在可以根据你自己的3D面部扫描定制打印面具。

sed artist Joshua Harker recently unveiled this 3D-printed sculptural self-portrait titled 21st Century Self-Portrait. Harker utilized a 3D scan of his face and a CT scan of his skull to form the compo
nents which were coupled with his trademark filigree aesthetic found in some of his other artworks (you might remember his Crania Anatomica Filigre project a while back, a piece now in his shop). 21st Century Self-Portrait was first shown at 3D Printshow in New York back in February. If you’re interested, Harker is now making custom printed masks ba
sed on your own 3D facial scan. (via Street Anatomy, Laughing Squid)