意大利玻璃艺术家Lilla Tabasso用精致精确的植物雕塑捕捉花朵的活力。她的雕塑作品的标题中经常出现“Vanitasin”这个词。这些雕塑作品展示的是凋谢的花朵。艺术家们把康乃馨折叠起来,就像她把看似完美的牡丹花盛开一样小心。除了她的花瓶,塔帕索也制作珠宝和小型装置,并为迈阿密巴塞尔和意大利Vogue设计了作品。她的代表是意大利威尼斯的卡特琳娜·托尼翁画廊。

Italian glass artist Lilla Tabasso captures the vitality of flowers in her delicate and precise botanical sculptures. Though a first thought would be to celebrate that Tabasso’s glass creations have the decorative advantage of never wilting, the artist depicts the full life cycle of blossoms and includes fading flowers alo
ngside fresh ones. She often includes the word “Vanitasin the titles of her sculptures that show decaying blossoms, a reference to the 17th-century Dutch still life painting genre that represents transience and death through symbolic objects. The artist crafts collapsed carnations with the same care that she renders seemingly perfect peony blossoms.Tabasso’s scientifically accurate artwork is rooted in her background as a biologist. (You might also be interested in the scientific glasswork of 19-century father-son duo the Blaschkas.) In addition to her vase-ba
sed pieces, Tabasso also crafts jewelry and small installations, and has created work for Design Miami ba
sel and Vogue Italia. She is represented by Caterina Tognon gallery in Venice, Italy. You can see more of her work on Instagram.