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2018-11-06 1877 10
利奥波德(Leopold)和鲁道夫·布拉施卡(Rudolf Blaschka)夫妇的父亲和儿子利奥波德(Leopold)和鲁道夫·布拉施卡(Rudolf Blaschka)在19世纪中期至20世纪30年代的职业生涯中,一直致力于创造一些人类手工制作的最精致的玻璃模型。艺术家最初来自波西米亚,但总部位于德累斯顿,他们使用玻璃吹制技术,在植物和无脊椎动物(包括水母、蜗牛、海葵、珊瑚、水螅、海星、海参和其他生物)的栩栩如生的雕塑范围进行创作。Blaschka玻璃模型由透明的、彩色的和彩绘的玻璃制成,有时用金属丝组装而成。所有这些藏品都是由私人研究机构委托收藏的,从未直接出售给公众。据估计,在他们的一生中,父子俩制作了大约4400个模型,其中大部分存活至今。在过去的几年里,摄影师Guido Mocafico开始记录许多由Leopold和Rudolf Blaschka创作的最令人印象深刻的模型,这些模型目前存放在世界各地的博物馆和大学里。Mocafico用他独特的风格在纯黑色背景下照亮每件物品,成功地捕捉到每件艺术品的细微细节,将一个多世纪前的雕塑栩栩如生地呈现出来。

Octopus vulgaris, Leopold and Rudolf Blaschka. Photograph © Guido Mocafico, 2013. With the courtesy of the Natural History Museum of London, UK.Father and son Leopold and Rudolf Blaschka dedicated their lives to creating some of the most exquisite glass models ever produced by human hands over the course of overlapping careers spanning the mid 1800s through the 1930s. Originally from Bohemia, but based in Dresden, the artists used glassblowing techniques to fabricate near lifelike sculptures of plants and invertebrates including jellyfish, snails, sea anemones, corals, hydroids, starfish, sea-cucumbers, and other creatures.The Blaschka glass models are made from clear, colored, and painted glass, sometimes assembled with wires. All of the pieces were commissioned by institutions for private research collections and were never sold directly to the public. It’s estimated the father and son made approximately 4,400 individual models during their lifetimes, the majority of which survive today.Over the last few years photographer Guido Mocafico has set out to document many of the most impressive models created by Leopold and Rudolf Blaschka that are currently stored in museums and universities around the world. Using his own unique style to illuminate each object against a stark black background, Mocafico manages to capture the minute details of each artwork, bringing to life sculptures that are now more than a century old.A large exhibition of Mocafico’s photos, titled simply Blaschka, are currently on view at Hamiltons Gallery in London through May 24, 2016. You can explore more photos on Artsy. (via Juxtapoz)Aulosphaera elegantissima, Leopold and Rudolf Blaschka. Photograph © Guido Mocafico, 2013. With the courtesy of the Natural History Museum of Dublin, Ireland.Bougainvillia fruiticosa, Leopold and Rudolf Blaschka. Photograph © Guido Mocafico, 2014. With the courtesy of the University Museum of Utrecht, The Netherlands.Carmarina hastata stage 4, Leopold and Rudolf Blaschka. Photograph © Guido Mocafico, 2014. With the courtesy of the University of Vienna, Austria.Porpita meditteranea, Leopold and Rudolf Blaschka. Photograph © Guido Mocafico, 2013. With the courtesy of the Natural History Museum of Geneva, Switzerland.