来自波特兰的艺术家Christina Mrozik仔细观察了动植物,创作了混合绘画,将两者结合在一起,形成令人难忘的新形式。在她的单色作品中,蛇皮是中空的,鳞茎是爪子,蜘蛛是人的内脏。最近,Mrozik收集了她在经济萧条时期创作的绘画和作品。尽管这些作品超现实主义,但它们表达了人类对失去恐惧的深切情感。

sed artist Christina Mrozik (previously) closely observes flora and fauna to create hybrid drawings that unite the two in haunting new forms. In her mo
nochrome work hair springs from hollow snake skins, claws emerge from floral bulbs, and spiders reveal human-like innards. Although there is a nightmarish quality to these unnatural combinations, a graceful undercurrent marks the way each invented creature twists upon the page.Recently Mrozik compiled a collection of drawings and writings she created while moving through a period of depression. Despite their surreal composition, they express the deeply human emotions of loss and fear. “Merging pieces of organ, flora, and animal, these faceless drawings are an attempt to capture the ‘haunted’ feeling of inaccessibility, expressing an experience outside the clarity of language,she explains. “Releasing this collection as a book creates a physical reminder both of the reality of a difficult circumstance, and the community moving through the common casualty of life alo
ngside you. It creates the space that o
nly books can, wher
e one can participate whilst in the solitude of their experience.”Her new book, Haunted Bodies: An Art Book of Poems and Drawings is currently being funded through Kickstarter. You can see more of her drawings, illustrations, and recent ceramic works on her website and Instagram.Photo by Dana HalfertyPhoto by Dana Halferty