nit baranga220的作品至少可以说是令人不安的。用粘土雕刻而成,真实的手指从盘子里伸出,嘴巴藏在杯子里。粗糙的手指和嘴唇似乎随时准备行动。因为害怕被咬伤,我们在使用这些药物之前肯定会犹豫再三。对于陶瓷餐具来说,嘴是一个有趣的元素,因为它的主要用途,至少在传统上,一直是携带食物和饮料,直到它到达嘴。“我选择把‘嘴’作为一种边界门的隐喻,”Baranga在去年末的一次采访中说。身体内部和周围外部环境之间的边界。罗妮特·巴朗加(Ro
nit Baranga)的奇特作品模糊了生活与静止之间的界限,是最近在特拉维夫贝塔-本雅米尼当代陶瓷中心(Bet-Binyamini Co
ntemporary porcelain Center)举办的两场集体展览的一部分。

Israeli ceramicist Ro
nit Baranga‘s “body of workis unsettling, to say the least. Sculpted from clay, realistic fingers emerge from plates while mouths lurk inside cups. The gnarled fingers and lips seem poised for action. We would most certainly hesitate before using any of these for fear of being bitten.The mouth is an interesting element for ceramic tableware as its main purpose, at least conventionally, has been to carry food and drink until it reaches the mouth. “I chose to deal with ‘mouth’ as a me
taphoric co
nnotation to a border gate,” said Baranga in an interview late last year. “A border between the inner body and the external enviro
nment surrounding it.”Ro
nit Baranga’s curious works, which blur the border between living and still, were most recently part of the two group exhibitions at Bet-Binyamini Co
ntemporary Ceramics Center in Tel-Aviv. (via I Need A Guide)