Barbara Wildenboer对旧书进行了细致的剪切和提取,对里面的内容进行了雕塑般的探索。薄薄的纸片碎片构成了在旧地图集中发现的世界地图,或者在功能神经解剖学的修改版中看起来像一个神经系统。这些作品是一个正在进行的项目的一部分,该项目名为“无限小、难以想象大的图书馆”(The Library of The infinity - imimally Small and incredible Large),自2011年以来,她一直在为这个项目贡献修改过的书籍。这位住在开普敦的艺术家从世界各地的二手书店和跳蚤市场上搜集书籍和地图,专门寻找那些有插图、纸张质量和题材有趣的出版物。今年11月,她将在约翰内斯堡的Everard Read画廊(Everard Read Gallery)举办个展。2019年3月,她将在伦敦举办个展。

Barbara Wildenboer (previously) delicately cuts and extracts the pages of old books to produce sculptural explorations of the co
ntents inside. Thinly sliced paper fragments f
rame world maps found in old atlases or appear like a nervous system in an altered copy of Functio
nal Neuroanatomy. The works are part of an o
ngoing project titled the Library of the Infinitesimally Small and Unimaginable Large, to which she has been co
ntributing altered books since 2011. The series uses the site of the library as a me
taphor for the larger universe, while also focusing on the decrease of printed materials as a result of the digital age.“Through the act of altering books and other paper ba
sed objects the intention is to draw emphasis to our understanding of history as mediated through text or language and our understanding of the abstract terms of science through me
taphor,Wildenboer explains on her website.The Cape Town-ba
sed artist sources her books and maps from seco
ndhand bookshops and flea markets from around the world, looking specifically for publications that have illustrations, paper quality, and subject matter that might be interesting to slice and transform. This November she will open a solo exhibition at Everard Read Gallery in Johannesburg which will be followed by another solo exhibition in March 2019 at the their Lo
ndon location. You can see more of her paper-ba
sed sculptures and collages on her website and Instagram.