米格尔·马尔克斯(Miguel Marquez)在不显眼的地方安装微型标志,让不知情的路人好奇。在最近的一项研究中,他追踪了从人行道裂缝中探出的一株杂草。一个小木梯斜靠在一个标志上,标志着植物生长的天数。在另一件作品中,他在石墙的一个洞前安装了两个小支柱。一个小牌子上写着:“请在这儿等着叫我”,另一个写着:“对面有一家老鼠大小的俱乐部或流行餐馆。”

Michael Pederson, a.k.a. Miguel Marquez Outside (previously), installs miniature signs, work sites, and queues in unassuming locations, transforming ordinary plants and objects into moments of intrigue for unsuspecting passersby. In one recent work he tracks the lifespan of a solitary weed poking through a sidewalk crack. A tiny wooden ladder leans against a sign that marks the number of days the plant has been growing. In another work he installed two small stanchions in front of a hole in a stone wall. A small sign reads “Please wait here until called,presenting the illusion that a mouse-sized club or popular eatery exists on the other side. You can see more of Pederson’s small-scale interventions and humorous additions to commo
nplace landscapes on Instagram and tumblr.