凯文·彼得森(Kevin Peterson)在反乌托邦的城市环境中描绘儿童和动物的详细场景。北极熊、狮子和浣熊等野生动物的陪伴,独唱的孩子们在每幅画的中心,周围都是废弃的、腐朽的建筑。在他早期的画作中,孩子们大步向前,探索着,而最近,他的年轻作品则被暂停了,似乎是在沉思或反抗。彼得森在大学期间与心理学一起学习美术,在2005年重返艺术领域之前,他在社会工作方面取得了研究生学位,还做过狱警。这位艺术家对心理学和社会动力学的兴趣帮助他了解了他作品背后的意图,彼得森将其描述为处理孤独、孤独和渴望与某种程度上的乐观希望相结合。

Kevin Peterson (previously) co
ntinues to paint detailed tableaux of young children and animals juxtaposed against dystopian urban environments. Solo kids, accompanied o
nly by wild allies of polar bears, lions, and raccoons, are at the center of each painting surrounded by abandoned, decaying buildings. Wher
eas his earlier paintings showed the children striding forward and exploring, more recently his young subjects have been paused, seeming to be in moments of reflection or defiance.Peterson studied fine art alo
ngside psychology in college and his varied career included a graduate degree in social work and a job as a corrections officer before he returned to his art practice in 2005. The artist’s interest in psychology and societal dynamics helps inform the intention behind his works, which Peterson describes as dealing “with isolation, lo
neliness and lo
nging teamed with a level of optimistic hope. Issues of race and the division of wealth have arisen in my recent work. This work deals with the idea of rigid boundaries, the hopeful breakdown of such restrictions, as well as questions a
bout the forces that orchestrate our behavior.”Peterson is ba
sed in Houston, Texas and is represented by Thinkspace Gallery in Culver City, California. He shares his works in progress and finished paintings on Instagram.