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2018-11-19 2061 6
作为她在斯德哥尔摩克里斯蒂安拉森画廊(Christian Larsen gallery)举办的“移动镜子”展览的一部分,艺术家莉莉贝丝·昆卡·拉斯穆森(Lilibeth Cuenca Rasmussen)创作了一组由4个反射人体模型组成的系列,这些模型覆盖着镜子碎片。光线投射到每一件雕塑上,都会创造出一种闪烁的光环效果,就像一个迪斯科球,一个穿着类似反光的身体服的人在空间中移动。这次展览旨在评论消费主义,就像我们把自己投射到人体模型上一样,Rasmussen试图用同样的物体来反思自己。

As part of her Mobile Mirrors exhibition at Christian Larsen gallery in Stockholm, artist Lilibeth Cuenca Rasmussen created a series of four reflective mannequins clad in shards of mirrors. Light was projected onto each sculpture creating a twinkling halo effect not unlike a disco ball, as a person wearing a similarly reflective body suit moved through the space. The exhibition was intended as commentary on consumerism; just as we project ourselves onto mannequins, Rasmussen’s is attempting to use the same object to reflect back on ourselves. Via Christian Larsen Gallery:The mirror surfaces of the mannequins turn our gaze back onto ourselves, forcing us to become aware of our own bodies and consumption habits. This way revealed, we can see ourselves as part of a much larger system, as complex and chaotic as ever the sculptures’ reflections on the walls.You can see many more images from the exhibition over on Facebook. (via ex-chamber)