艺术家阿什利V布拉洛克(Ashley V Blalock)编织了巨大的红色桌布,然后在特定地点安装,从画廊到楼梯井到室外的树木,应有尽有。她正在进行的项目“保持形象”(Keeping Up appearance)始于2011年,已在美国各地的博物馆、画廊和花园安装。

Artist Ashley V Blalock crochets enormous red doilies that she then installs in site-specific co
nfigurations ranging from galleries to stairwells to trees outside. Her o
ngoing project, Keeping Up Appearances, began in 2011 and has been installed at museums, galleries, and gardens across the United States.The artist describes the meaning behind Keeping Up Appearances: “Although non-threatening in a domestic setting, in the gallery and at this scale the [doilies] overtake the viewer and cover the walls… Inherent is a compulsion to arrange and place and decorate in order to co
ntrol or influence a perceived outward appearance. The red color gives away the futility of such an act and hints at the unease that lurks below the surface of an obsessive need to co
ntrol and arrange.”Blalock is ba
sed in Southern California. She received a bachelor’s and two master’s degrees in sculpture and art history. You can see more of her installation work on her website.