“公民广告收购服务”(Citizens Advertising Takeover Service)用猫的照片取代了克拉彭公共地铁站(Clapham Common tube station)的68个广告。组织者说,他们希望这些照片能帮助人们从不同的角度看待周围的世界。英国伦敦克拉彭公共地铁站目前到处都是猫,而且在很大程度上就像看上去的那么简单。一项名为“公民广告收购服务”(Citizens Advertising Takeover Service,简称CATS)的项目,在车站内接收了68个广告,将可爱的画面带入路人的日常视野,同时暂时停止了日常通勤和生活中持续不断的广告冲击。喵星人是第一个希望通过创意活动带来社会变革的团体。

The Citizens Advertising Takeover Service replac
ed 68 adverts in Clapham Common tube station with pictures of cats. Organisers say they hope the pictures will help people think differently a
bout the world around them. Credit: CatsnotAds.orgThe Clapham Common Tube station in Lo
ndon is currently covered in cats, and for the most part it’s just as straightforward as it may seem. A project known as the Citizens Advertising Takeover Service (or CATS), took over 68 advertisements in the station as a way to bring cute imagery into the daily vision of passersby, while momentarily ceasing the o
nslaught of co
ntinuous advertising faced during daily commutes, and life. CATS secured the mo
ney to finance the project through a Kickstarter campaign six mo
nths ago, and in the end raised £23,000.Started by Glimpse, CATS is the first project by the collective who hopes to bring a
bout social change via creative campaigns. Many of the cats Glimpse photographed for the 68 advertisements are stray cats from two rescue charities, Battersea Dogs & Cats Home, and Cats Protection. You can learn more a
bout the two organizations on Glimpse’s website. (via Laughing Squid, PetaPixel)