普利茅斯艺术学院与Templo合作开展了一项旨在将创意教育重新纳入政府议程的活动。该运动利用了大学的10点宣言,阐述了创造性技能如何有助于社会公益和正义。普利茅斯艺术学院宣言的要点是建立在向年轻人灌输创造力的益处,其中包括:创造先于知识,创造与阅读、写作、科学和数学。该活动的基本形式是由Templo设计的,主要是排版。它以单色调色板、定制的无衬线富兰克林哥特式字体(Franklin Gothic)为特色,在整个竞选过程中,这种字体在形状和大小上都是扭曲的。

Plymouth College of Art has worked with Templo on a campaign that looks to put “creative education back on the Government’s agenda”, according to the studio. The What’s Your Proposition? campaign makes use of the university’s 10-point manifesto: a strategy docu
ment laying out how creative skills co
ntribute to social good and justice. Points on Plymouth College of Art’s manifesto are ba
sed on the benefits of instilling creativity in young people, and include “Making comes before knowing”, and “Making is as im
portant as reading, writing, science and maths”. The campaign centres around the 10th proposition in the manifesto: “What’s your proposition?” This puts the question to students, graduates, tutors and anyone else, asking them to co
ntribute their answers via an o
nline tool, in a bid to engage people in the im
portance of creative education. The basic form of the campaign has been designed by Templo and is mostly typographic. It features a mo
nochrome colour palette, a bespoke version of sans-serif typeface Franklin Gothic, which has been warped in shape and size throughout the campaign, and portrait photography featuring Plymouth College of Art students and graduates, taken by graduate Taylor Harford. A two-by-five grid forms the backdrop of the campaign, which features the manifesto’s 10 points. While Templo has designed the campaign’s core structure, it is an open-source project encouraging the public to co
ntribute their own propositions. Anyone can do this by visiting whatsyourproposition.com. These are then reflected in the campaign itself. Students’ perso
nal propositions, such as “stop cuts” and “art pays”, are spelt out in larger letters and splashed across the centre of campaign materials like posters, layered over the photography. These words are themselves co
nstructed out of smaller words repeating the campaign’s two key points: “social justice” and “creative learning”. The aim of the campaign is to take the university’s behind-the-scenes strategy and make it public and accessible, says Pali Palavathanan, creative director at Templo, while giving as many students as possible a voice. “This campaign takes something quite static, like a strategic plan, and co
nverts it word-for-word into something powerful,” he says. “Normally, these 10 points would be hidden away in a docu
ment somewher
e, but we’ve used them to f
rame the whole public campaign.” The points provide a “solid, fixed grid”, adds Palavathanan, while the individual propositions co
ntributed by the public will “co
nstantly be in flux”, meaning the campaign will change regularly. Plymouth College of Art is also sharing propositions as they come in via its Instagram page. “There’s no censorship to this,” he says. “With this o
nline activism tool, everyone is chipping in. These will filter into the campaign, and there’s a lo
ngevity to it that will hopefully go on for years.” Palavathanan adds that it was im
portant to involve students and graduates in the project themselves as it helps it feel more genuine and personal. “It’s all a
bout authenticity,” he says. “Millennials are very sceptical of brands jumping on the bandwagon by ‘trying to do good’. Proposition 10 is an open call – it empowers students.” The design style of a black-and-white palette and distorted text has been created to fit in with Plymouth College of Art’s existing branding, and a student recruitment campaign it launched last year, also designed by Templo. The campaign is currently rolling out across the university and nationwide, in the form of print marketing materials like posters, leaflets and university newspapers, wall murals, o
nline on the What’s Your Proposition? And Plymouth College of Art websites, and across social media. It will co
ntinue to roll out over the next two years, with plans to lobby Government after this, to impact policy on UK creative education. Further details of this will be revealed in the future. To submit your proposition, head here.