商业评论网站Trustpilot被重新命名为“绿星”标志,旨在成为卓越的即时识别标志。 Trustpilot是一个于2007年在丹麦成立的网站,其目的是为在线企业发布评论。它是免费开放的,任何人都可以发布或查看评论,业务划分为艺术、服装和时尚、电子、赌博、色情、动物和宠物等多个类别。它每月收到大约100万条评论,总共收到超过22万家公司的4500万条评论。新标识由studio Venturethree设计,其特征是一个绿色的五角星符号,内嵌一个箭头,旁边是Trustpilot名称,设置为白色无衬线字体,使用深蓝色、浅绿色、黑色和白色核心调色板。它取代了由品牌名称组成的更为复杂的标识,该标识采用全大写、黑色和灰色字体,左边是橙色和黑色的勾号符号。下面放着五个绿色的盒子,里面装着白色的五星。 Venturethree表示,新的品牌看起来是自信而低调的,这样它就可以舒舒服服地坐着了。

Business reviews website Trustpilot has been rebranded, with a green star symbol that aims to be an “instantly recognisable symbol of excellence”. Trustpilot is a website that was founded in Denmark in 2007 with the aim of publishing reviews for o
nline businesses. It is free and open for anyone to post or look at reviews, and splits businesses up across categories as broad as art, clothes and fashion, and electronic, to gambling, erotic and animals and pets. It receives roughly one million reviews a month, and has 45 million reviews of over 220,000 companies in total. The new identity has been designed by studio Venturethree, and features a green, five-pointed star symbol with an embedded arrow within it, alo
ngside the Trustpilot name set in a white, sans-serif typeface. A core colour palette of dark blue, light green, black and white has been used. This replaces a more complicated logo made up of the brand name set in an all-caps, black and grey typeface, with an orange and black tick symbol sat to the left of it. Underneath this sat five green boxes, which co
ntained white, five-point stars. The new branding looks to be “co
nfident and understated”, says Venturethree, so that it can “sit comfortably” alo
ngside all of the companies that are featured on the platform, or reference Trustpilot on their individual websites. The star also aims to be “instantly recognisable” as a “symbol of excellence”, that is “easy for both co
nsumers and companies to identify”, the studio adds. In simplifying the branding, Trustpilot also aims to increase transparency of its services to consumers, after research found that internet users are “increasingly savvy and distrustful” of the legitimacy of o
nline reviews, according to the company. The new branding has been rolled out across the Trustpilot website and social media platforms. The website has also been redesigned, adopting new photography, copywriting, the brand colours and a refined taxonomy. https://s3-eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/centaur-wp/designweek/prod/content/uploads/2018/06/13170556/TP18-04-Brand-Film-THE-DELIVERY.mp4