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2018-12-18 2072 0
动物救助慈善机构猫咪之家公布了一项新的品牌视觉识别,这是由Pentagram的合作伙伴玛丽娜·威勒(Marina Willer)和纳雷什·拉姆钱达尼(Naresh Ramchandani)开发的。这个动物福利慈善机构成立于1860年,现在在英国各地有三个猫狗救助中心。五角星被委托为慈善机构开发一个新的身份和品牌战略。尽管巴特西有着悠久的历史,但由于在身份和沟通上的不一致,这个品牌并没有充分展示其产品和专业技能。巴特西的新身份看到了狗狗。猫Home为了避免人们混淆慈善事业是永久的家园,这个名字被去掉了。新身份的目的是将巴特西塑造成一个充满爱心和关爱的人。五角星说,它是动物福利的权威。近日,日本一位名叫铃木弘美的插画家创作了一系列以猫狗为主题的手绘水彩画,这些水彩画出现在日本一家慈善机构标志性的蓝色水彩画中。 Pentagram说,这些插图看起来是为了吸引人们的同情心,而不是伤害慈善机构照顾的动物。虽然这些人物没有面部特征,但他们仍然富于表现力,并保持了强烈的个性。


Animal rescue charity Battersea Dogs & Cats Home has unveiled a new visual identity and brand strategy, which have been developed by Pentagram partners Marina Willer and Naresh Ramchandani. The animal welfare charity was founded in 1860, and now has three rescuing and rehoming centres for cats and dogs around the UK. Pentagram was commissioned to develop a new identity and brand strategy for the charity. “Despite Battersea’s longstanding pedigree, an inconsistent approach to identity and communications had left it with a brand that did not convey the full breadth of its offering and expertise,” says Pentagram. Battersea’s new identity sees “Dogs & Cats Home” dropped from its name, in order to avoid confusion about the charity being a permanent “home” for animals, and to emphasise the fact that it is based in more than one location. The new identity aims to portray Battersea as both a “compassion caregiver” and an “authority in animal welfare”, says Pentagram. A series of hand-drawn watercolour illustrations of dogs and cats have been created by illustrator Hiromi Suzuki, which appear in the charity’s signature blue brand colour. The illustrations look to appeal to people’s compassion, says Pentagram, without victimising the animals that the charity looks after. “While the characters are devoid of facial features, they remain expressive and retain a strong sense of individuality,” adds the consultancy. “[They celebrate] the diverse range of personalities found among Battersea’s dogs and cats, while emphasising the human intervention required to make them whole.” The watercolour logo is accompanied by the tagline: “Here for every dog and cat”, which appears in typeface Franklin Gothic to emphasise the charity’s “authority”, says Pentagram. The consultancy has also created a “fun”, hand-drawn typeface called Battersea Paws to use across various applications. The new tone of voice avoids “shock tactics” and “overly-sentimental” wording, adds Pentagram, instead using “honest” and “straightforward” language across its communications. Battersea’s new identity is rolling out across all touchpoints.