作为与伦敦交通局(TfL)合作的一部分,步行应用程序Go Jauntly推出了一款新的步行地图,旨在帮助更多的城市居民享受美好的户外生活。 Go Jauntly是由digital design studio beyond开发的一款app,帮助人们发现英国700多条步行路线。该公司的创始人表示,这款应用的推出源于他们想要出门,与家人更积极地相处的愿望。此外,它还与伦敦交通局合作推出了一系列新功能,以帮助更多的人将步行纳入他们的日常旅行。这些包括一个免费的步行地图,显示信息如附近的自行车租赁点,附近的地铁站,以及策划的步行路线的起点。 它还提供关于步行到目的地所需时间的信息,提供方向,并提供关于自行车租赁可用性、车站可达性和污染水平的实时信息。

Walking app Go Jauntly has launched a new Walking Map as part of a collaboration with Transport for Lo
ndon (TfL) which aims to help more city-dwellers get a fix of the great outdoors. Go Jauntly is an app created by digital design studio Furthermore, which helps people discover more than 700 walking routes across the UK. Its founders say the app was borne out of their desire to get outside and be more active with their families, along with their frustration at how difficult it was to discover new walking routes and find a bit of nature. Furthermore has now joined forces with TfL to launch a series of new features, in a bid to help more people incorporate walking into their daily journeys. These include a free walking map which shows information such as nearby cycle hire points, nearby tube stations, and starting points of curated Go Jauntly walking routes. It also provides information a
bout the time it would take to walk to a destination, offers directions, and gives live information on cycle hire availability, station accessibility and pollution levels. The Capital Ring Walk and the Jubilee Walkway, parts of the TfL Walk Lo
ndon Network of “beautiful and interesting” walking routes around Lo
ndon and its suburbs, have also been included in the app with directions as part of the updat
e. Steve Johnson, Go Jauntly co-founder, says prior to the routes being incorporated into the app, “walkers would have to navigate using a PDF, which was difficult and left people missing out key parts of the routes.” He hopes the update will encourage more people to try out the TfL walking routes, which he says make Lo
ndon “more accessible”, “promote an active lifestyle” and “reduce pollution from people taking alternative trips that avoid car emissions”. In a bid to improve accessibility, wheelchair-friendly routes have also been included in the app, which users can filter by. The studio is currently testing audio-navigation features as it looks to make the app accessible to more people. The app, which was first launched in 2017, also offers information a
bout the area people are walking in, alo
ngside photos. As well as discovering existing routes, users can curate their own, add their own photos and share their creations with others. Much of the app can be used for free, but there is also an option to pay for a subs
cription to access premium co
ntent which includes curated architecture walks, mindfulness walks and nature trails. Speaking a
bout the user experience (UX) of the app, Johnson says it was key to design something that was easy to use while out-and-a
bout. “Go Jauntly uses simple swipe gestures,” he says. “Full-screen photos and text describe each step of a route so that you don’t need to keep getting your phone out to follow it.” Users can also choose what the map does and does not show – for example, cycle hire stations can be displayed or hidden with a toggle. The app secured financial backing from the Mayor of Lo
ndon after winning the Civic Innovation Challenge in October, an award given to technology firms tackling the capital’s enviro
nmental and social problems. The app upgrades come in the midst of a major push by TfL and the Mayor of Lo
ndon to get more people walking as part of an ambition “to make Lo
ndon the world’s most walkable city”. The aim is to increase the number of journeys people make on foot, by bike and by public transport to 80% by 2041, according to TfL. Go Jauntly is available to download on iOS for free from the iTunes App Store. The app is not currently available on Android.