为庆祝老维克剧院200周年,英国皇家邮政发行了一套纪念邮票。Old Vic始建于1818年,总部位于伦敦南部的朗伯斯,它以传统戏剧、歌剧、舞蹈、音乐和喜剧在内的一系列戏剧表演而闻名,是英国国家歌剧院、萨德勒·威尔斯舞蹈团和国家剧院的发源地。这套八款邮票由帽子戏法设计公司设计。Hat-trick是Pentagram合伙人哈利•皮尔斯(Harry Pearce)在2016年设计的,旨在补充老维多利亚(Old Vic)目前的字体品牌标识,并参考了将字体用作图像的剧院海报风格。这些邮票集中展示了老维克历史上的八场重要表演,这些表演都取材于20世纪和21世纪。尽管这是200年的庆典,但要回到过去,在视觉上展示真正早期的戏剧作品是很困难的。所以这些邮票展示了更现代的老维克。最重要的是,他们展示了剧院上演的不同剧目的多样性,男女演员都有,传统和非传统的剧目都有。每一张邮票上都有一幅剧作主角的特写或身体特写,以及剧作背景的剧名,以及右下角或左下角的剧名。 邮票采用广泛的色调,包括棕色、橙色、红色、紫色、绿色、灰色和蓝色,以及渐变和褪色的效果。有些人像是黑白的,有些是彩色的。邮票的字体各不相同,但都是英国的奇形怪状或平板连体。当时的想法是创造一种戏剧效果,Howats说,在邮票的背面,每一枚邮票上的文字都是戏剧背景,传达的主要信息是演员和作品的力量。演员的特写镜头是关键。

A set of commemorative Royal Mail stamps celebrating the Old Vic theatre’s 200th anniversary has been released. The Old Vic was founded in 1818, and is ba
sed in Lambeth, South London. It is known for putting on a range of theatrical performances including traditio
nal plays, operas, dance, music and comedy, and was the original home of the English Natio
nal Opera, the Sadler’s Wells dance company and the Natio
nal Theatre. Notable performances include actor John Gielgud’s depiction of Shakespeare’s Hamlet in 1930 and Glenda Jackson switching gender roles to play Shakespeare’s King Lear in 2016. The set of eight stamps have been designed by Hat-trick Design, which worked with typographer and letterpress artist Kelvyn Laurence Smith on the type. The stamps are “heavily typographic”, says Gareth Howat, founding partner at Hat-trick, which looks to complement the current typographic brand identity of the Old Vic, designed by Pentagram partner Harry Pearce in 2016 and reference the “theatre poster look of using type as image”. The stamps focus on eight key performances from the Old Vic’s history, all of which have been taken from the 20th and 21st centuries. “Although this is celebrating 200 years, it’s difficult to go back and visually showcase the really early plays,” says Howat. “So the stamps show the more modern Old Vic. The most im
portant thing was that they showed the diversity of different plays the theatre puts on, and had a mix of male and female actors, and traditio
nal and non-traditio
nal shows.” Each stamp features a close-up headshot or body shot of a protago
nist from a play, alo
ngside the name of the play set behind them, and the theatre name in either the bottom right or left-hand corner. The queen’s head and price of the stamp features as standard in the top left. A broad colour palette of browns, oranges, reds, purples, greens, greys and blues is used across the stamps, as well as a gradient and faded effect which features across the type. Some portraits feature in black-and-white and some in colour. The typefaces differ across stamps, but are all either English grotesques or slab serifs. The idea was to create a “theatrical effect” across the stamps, says Howats, with the text on each one acting as a “theatrical background” or stage set, putting the actor “front and centre-stage”. “The main thing we wanted to get across was the power of the actors and productions,” he says. “That close-up crop of the actor was key. There’s a slight lighting effect on the background type, which gives a balance between front and back, and also means the type almost becomes a theatrical backdrop to the stamp. “The colours were in part guided by the play – we used red for Hedda Gabler to show how it is a very intense play and the main character breaks down at the end – but in general we wanted to use a broad spectrum,” he adds. “There had to be a balance of colour across them, so that they worked individually but also as a set.” The stamps also feature little hidden nods to the plays, Howat adds. The “a” in the title of Hedda Gabler is slightly cracked to reference the mental deterioration of the main character, while the word “King” creates a type-ba
sed “crown” on the head of the actor in King Lear. Negative space is also used for subtle references – the space formed around the “m” in “Hamlet” depicts the main actor’s dagger, while the “v” in Henry V forms an arrow-shape. The stamps launch on 30 August and are available to buy through the Royal Mail. Hat-trick has also designed a stamp presentation pack, which features the stamps as well as historical information a
bout the Old Vic and archive photos, and a first day cover, an envelope which features the set of stamps postmarked on their day of issue.