艺术家James Lake在过去的20年里一直选择纸板作为媒介,她将多层可回收材料与热胶粘合在一起,创作出独立的雕塑,这些雕塑往往反映了他自己的形象。莱克17岁时被诊断出患有骨癌,右腿截肢后,他开始研究这种材料。在康复期间,他寻找一种可以从他的卧室方便获得的材料,最终的结果是一个廉价的公共场所可回收材料的精细制作。目前,这位艺术家在他的社区里开办了艺术工作室,为推动当地学校的雕塑艺术家实践提供了资源。

Artist James Lake has used cardboard as his medium of choice for the last 20 years. The-UK ba
sed sculptor pieces together multiple layers of the recyclable material with hot glue to create free-standing figural sculptures that are often a reflection of his own image. Lake was diagnosed with bone cancer at age 17, and began working the material after his right leg was amputated. During rehabilitation he searched for a material that could be easily accessible from his bedroom.“I wanted a medium that can be used to sculpt beyond traditio
nal material and without the need of an arts studio,says Lake. “The end result was the fine crafting of an inexpensive common place and recyclable material. I manipulate cardboard into taking a form which is vastly beyond its original function as a co
ntainer to transport food and commercial goods.”Lake co
ntinues to discover the possibilities of the versatile material, and has become further interested in the value his time, effort, and care placed on the disposable packaging. Currently the artist runs art workshops in his community, providing a resource to propel sculptural artist practices in local schools and colleges. You can learn more a
bout the cardboard sculptor and his practice in the short video below. (via Rajapack)