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2018-12-29 2227 0
《Layers》是俄罗斯导演马克西姆·哲斯科夫(Maxim Zhestkov)的最新4K数字艺术电影,讲述的是一个正在发生变化的黑色立方体内部的彩色图层,展示了其表面和核心之间的鲜明对比。几次迭代的黑色巨石被一个看不见的力量一分为二,显示紫色,绿色,红色,和明亮的蓝色。这些物品漂浮在虚构的画廊空间(就像我们在之前的电影元素作品中看到的那样),只能通过数字手段制作。

Layers is a new 4K digital art film by Russian director Maxim Zhestkov (previously) which follows a mutating black cube as colorful layers are revealed inside, showcasing a stark contrast between its surface and core. Several iterations of the black monolith are bisected by an invisible force, showcasing purples, greens, reds, and a bright blue that fills the largest area at the structures’ center. The objects float through fictional gallery spaces (like we’ve seen in previous films Elements and Volumes) presenting each as impossible sculptures that can only be produced by digital means. Layers is the fourth film Zhestkov has launched since 2017. You can view other art films from his series, and keep up with future projects on Vimeo, Instagram, and Behance.