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2018-12-28 2317 7
法国艺术家兼摄影师Charles Petillion刚刚揭开了由10万个白色气球组成的积雨云的面纱,名为“心跳”。该装置是即将到来的伦敦设计节的一部分,延伸了市场大楼南大厅天花板的长度。Petillion是以使用白色气球来填充不寻常的空间而闻名,他称之为“入侵”。这是迄今为止他最大的装置作品,也是他的第一件公共艺术品。他分享了心跳:我创造的气球入侵是隐喻。他们的目标是改变我们看待身边事物的方式,而不是真正去注意它们。我想用心跳来代表市场建筑作为这个地区跳动的心脏——连接它的过去和现在,让游客重新审视它在伦敦生活中心的角色。每一个气球都有自己的尺寸,但它是一个巨大而脆弱的组成部分,这个组成部分在下方市场的能量之上形成了一朵漂浮的云。这种脆弱性是通过对比材料表现出来的,同时也通过气球的白度表现出来,这些气球在移动,它们看起来就像这个区域本身一样充满活力。

French artist and photographer Charles Pétillion has just unveiled a cumulus cloud composed of 100,000 white balloons illuminated from the inside at London’s Covent Garden. Titled ‘Heartbeat,’ the installation was created as part of the upcoming London Design Festival and stretches the length of the South Hall ceiling of the Market Building. Pétillion is known for his use of white balloons to fill unusual spaces, a photographic series he refers to as Invasions. This is by far his largest installation to date and his first public art piece. He shares about Heartbeat:The balloon invasions I create are metaphors. Their goal is to change the way in which we see the things we live alongside each day without really noticing them. With Heartbeat I wanted to represent the Market Building as the beating heart of this area – connecting its past with the present day to allow visitors to re-examine its role at the heart of London’s life.Each balloon has its own dimensions and yet is part of a giant but fragile composition that creates a floating cloud above the energy of the market below. This fragility is represented by contrasting materials and also the whiteness of the balloons that move and pulse appearing as alive and vibrant as the area itself.The installation will be on view through September 27, 2015, and you can watch a timelapse video of its construction and an interview with Pétillion below. (via Designboom)