德国摄影师阿尔玛·哈瑟在她的最新系列作品中,将几对双胞胎的肖像结合在一起,将他们的照片拼在一起。哈泽尔首先分别为双胞胎拍摄照片,然后将他们的照片打印在一个500或1000张的拼图上。最后,哈泽煞费苦心地将每一件作品进行了转换,创造出两件作品,它们是兄弟姐妹的平等组合。在本系列的早期作品中,哈泽尔只交换了孪生兄弟的脸,而不是融合他们整个肖像。在下面这对双胞胎兄弟并排的照片中,很难判断他们是否交换了什么,除非你把注意力集中在眼睛。哈泽尔最近在伦敦NOW画廊举办的“人体问题:人类故事”(the Body Issue: Human Stories)展览上展出了这个系列的一些肖像画。

In her latest series, German photographer Alma Haser combines the portraits of several pairs of twins by literally puzzling their images together. Haser first photographs each twin separately, then prints their correspo
nding photograph o
nto a 500 or 1000-piece puzzle. Finally, Haser painstakingly switches every other piece to create two works that are an equal combination of each sibling.In earlier works in the series Haser o
nly switched the twins’ faces, rather than melding their entire portraits. In the side-by-side images of the the twin brothers below it is difficult to tell if anything is swapped, unless you narrow your focus to the subjects’ eyes.Haser recently co
ntributed a few portraits from this series to the group exhibition The Body Issue: Human Stories at NOW Gallery in London. You can see more of her portraiture involving twins on her website and Instagram, and shop select prints on her o
nline store. (via Hi-Fructose)