犹他州的艺术家斯蒂芬妮·k·克拉克(Stephanie K. Clark)认为自己是一名画家,但她创作的作品并不是用传统的绘画手法创作的。克拉克用刺绣技术和丝线画出一系列颜色,画出小房子、风景和其他看起来像是存在于自然界、被月亮或太阳照亮的场景。;克拉克说,投入的时间取决于作品的大小和细节,小房子需要6到12个小时才能完成,大房子则需要20个小时。她解释说:我认为自己是个刺绣能手,这往往很慢,也很乏味。有时候我不得不提醒自己慢下来,当我慢下来的时候,我的作品就会变得更漂亮。

sed artist Stephanie K. Clark (previously) co
nsiders herself a painter, but the works she creates are not made with a traditio
nal painterly medium. Using embroidery techniques and strands of floss in a spectrum of colors, Clark paints little houses, landscapes, and other scenes that look as if they exist in the natural world and are being lit by the moon or sun.“My process is much like any painter,Stephanie tells Colossal. “I started out as a drawer/painter and I’ve just carried that same process into my embroidery work. I always use image and color references for my pieces. I lay out my pallet of thread/floss and I start laying the colors as if I’m painting. They eventually start blending themselves.”Working at various scales (as small as 5″ x 5″, and as large as 6-foot-wide canvases), Clark says that the time invested depends on the size and detail of the piece, with small houses taking between 6 to 12 hours to complete, and larger landscapes requiring up to 20 hours. “I co
nsider myself a fast worker for embroidery,she explained, “which tends to be slow and tedious. Sometimes I have to remind myself to slow down and when I do, the pieces come out so much prettier.”When not working on commissions, Clark’s thread paintings are inspired by her perso
nal life: “My co
ncepts typically go along with my life, my family, my home, and my heart.To see more of her work, follow her on Instagram.