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2018-12-29 1616 13
我不确定是否有可能给黑色胶带注入比波兰艺术家莫妮卡·格里西玛拉(Monika Grzymala)的作品《Raumzeichnung》更多的能量,她的作品大致描绘了一间屋子。这个三维装置似乎是从Galerie Crone地下室的柱子上发射出来的,它于2012年安装,需要3.1英里(即5公里)长的拉伸、切割和交叉胶带。根据Ignant的说法,艺术家在画廊里从零开始,用胶带直观地勾勒出她的想法,直到作品完成。

I’m not sure it’s possible to infuse black tape with more energy than Polish artist Monika Grzymala has accomplished with her piece Raumzeichnung, roughly “Drawing of a Room”. The three dimensional installation which seems to launch from columns in the basement of Galerie Crone was installed in 2012 and required 3.1 miles (that’s 5km) of stretched, cut, and criss-crossed tape. According to Ignant the artist begins her work from scratch in the gallery, working intuitively with tape to sketch out ideas as she conceives them until the work is done. You can see more of her tape drawings over on Co.Design.