摄影师Charles Petillon捕捉到了气球在各种环境下的排列形态——在他的照片中捕捉到了瞬间被照亮的有机形状。气球团是Petillon的隐喻,是对我们在繁忙的生活中经常经过的物体、建筑和结构的一种致意,但我们没有花时间去真正注意它们。去年,他为伦敦科文特花园(Covent Garden)制作了一件177英尺长的装置作品,他将其命名为《心跳》(Heartbeat)。“每个气球都有自己的尺寸,这个组成部分在下方市场的能量之上形成了一朵漂浮的云”。

Photographer Charles Pétillon (previously) captures arranged co
nfigurations of balloons in a variety of environments—trapping the illuminated organic shapes momentarily in his photographs. The huddles of balloons are me
taphors for Pétillon, a nod to the objects, buildings, and structures we often pass by in our busy lives without taking the time to really notice them. Last year he produced a 177-foot-long installation for London’s Covent Garden, a work that he titled Heartbeat.“Each balloon has its own dimensions and yet is part of a giant but fragile composition that creates a floating cloud above the energy of the market below,explained Pétillon a
bout his 2015 installation. “This fragility is represented by co
ntrasting materials and also the whiteness of the balloons that move and pulse appearing as alive and vibrant as the area itself.”Pétillon’s words can also be applied to his current oeuvre, a selection of which is currently on display in a solo exhibition titled Invasions. The works are featured at Magda Danysz Gallery in Paris through January 14, 2017, and also includes a site-specific installation of balloons to mirror those within his photographs. You can see a behind-the-scenes shoot below, as well as more final images of his balloon series on his website and Instagram.