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2018-12-28 1871 0
在喝了一大杯之后,鲁比·西尔维西把她的茶包当作微型画布,用来画切好的西瓜、宁静的风景,以及连衣裙形状的糖纸装饰的模特。这些作品通常会附上标签,让观众想起它们的饮料来源。她的最新作品是在距西班牙巴塞罗那45分钟车程的阿瑞尼斯德蒙特(Arenys de Munt)小镇的艺术实习期间创作的。2019年3月,她的微型画将在位于日本赤崎的创意空间Hayashi举办个展。

After a good steep, Ruby Silvious (previously) reuses her tea bags as miniature canvases to paint sliced watermelon, serene landscapes, and models adorned in dress-shaped candy wrappers. The works typically keep the tags attached, reminding the viewer of their beverage-based origin. Her newest works were created during an art residency in Arenys de Munt, a town 45 minutes outside of Barcelona, Spain. In March 2019, her miniature paintings will be featured in a solo exhibition at Creative Space Hayashi located in Chigasaki, Japan. You can see more of Silvious’s work on her website and Instagram.