我们中的一些人可能会从用过的茶包里挤出一个凸的地方,让它重焕生机,但鲁比·西尔维丝(Ruby silousse)更进一步,她用这张薄纸作为微型画的画布。《银光闪闪》反映了饮茶这种简单的仪式,画中安静地描绘了一些日常生活的片段,比如洗衣服、猫朝窗外看。2015年1月,这位艺术家开始了她为期一年的系列绘画创作。从那以后,西尔维西斯把那一年编成了一本书,并前往日本和法国南部,参加为期一个月的饮茶和绘画活动。

Some of us may give our used tea bags a second life by squeezing an extra steep out of them, but Ruby Silvious takes things a step further by using the thin paper as a canvas for miniature paintings. Silvious mirrors the simple ritual of tea drinking in quiet paintings that show slices of everyday life, like laundry drying and cats looking out the window.The artist began her initial year-long series of paintings in January 2015. Since then, Silvious has compiled that year into a book, and traveled to Japan and southern France for month-long sessions of tea drinking and painting. Her work is included in a group show “Deemed a Canvasat Paradigm Gallery in Philadelphia, which opens on January 26th. You can see more of Silvious’ work on her website and Instagram.