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2018-12-25 1297 10
科罗拉多州艺术家阿娜·米勒(Arna Miller)用复古风格的包装、广告和插图作为她创作的灵感。严肃的历史美学和实事求是的文本微妙的结合,在想象动物经历人类的情感、野心和失败中发现幽默。米勒在她的网站上描述了她作为一名艺术家的指导原则:我的目标是创作叙事插图,描绘神奇的时刻,我经常用文字讲述故事,但喜欢把大部分叙事留给观众。

Colorado-based artist Arna Miller uses vintage style packaging, advertising, and illustrations as inspiration for her goofy creations. The serious historical aesthetic and matter-of-fact text subtly ridiculous, finding humor in imagining animals experiencing human emotions, ambitions, and failures.In a statement on her website, Miller describes her guiding principles as an artist: “My aim is to create narrative illustrations that depict magical moments…I often use text to tell part of the story, but like to leave most of the narrative up to the viewer. My guiding rule—which I sometimes break—is Possible, but Not Likely. For example, it’s possible for a vole to sit on a cigarette box and float down a river, but it is not likely. On the other hand, dinosaurs didn’t have laptops and headphones, so I would not draw that.”The matchbox series “Strike Your Fancy,which Miller made in collaboration with her husband Ravi Zupa, shows cats staying out late and making dicey decisions. The series is on view at Abstract in Denver through June 30, 2018. Matchboxes are also for sale in Miller and Zupa’s online stores. You can see more of Miller’s clever artwork on her website and Instagram.