西班牙艺术家伊格纳西奥·卡纳莱斯·阿拉齐尔(Ignacio Canales Aracil)创作的容器,让人想起压制过的花朵做成的倒立的篮子。压花艺术可以追溯到几千年前:据报道,在埃及,人们在图坦卡蒙母亲3000年前的棺木中发现了压过的花朵。希腊和罗马的植物学家都使用至今仍在使用的技术保存植物而闻名。但是Aracil的方法有点不同,依靠的是大锥形的模具,里面放置着精心编织的手工采摘的花茎。这些作品在没有粘合剂的帮助下干燥了一个月之久,并喷涂了浅色清漆,以保护雕塑不受潮。最后的碎片,即使是最轻的重量也可能被压碎,其硬度足以在没有支撑的情况下站立。

Spanish artist Ignacio Canales Aracil creates vessels reminiscent of upside-down baskets using nothing but pressed flowers. The art of flower pressing dates back thousands of years; pressed flowers were reportedly discovered in a 3,000-year-old coffin of Tutankhamun’s mother in Egypt, and both Greek and Roman botanists were known to preserve plants using techniques that co
ntinue today. But Aracil’s method is a bit different, relying on large cone-shaped molds into which carefully woven patches of hand-picked flower stems are placed. The pieces dry for up to a mo
nth without the aid of adhesives and are sprayed with a light varnish to protect the sculpture from moisture. The final pieces, which could be crushed with even the slightest weight, are rigid enough to stand without support.Aracil currently has work as part of a group show at Lucia Mendoza gallery in Madrid through the end of February, and you can see much more over on his website.