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2019-01-05 2070 7
LIX是手持3d打印领域的最新竞争者。开发者表示,这款超级紧凑的笔比市面上任何一支笔都要小,甚至可以通过USB接口供电。打开LIX后不到一分钟就可以加热,你就可以开始制作垂直的插图了。LIX 3D打印笔具有与3D打印机类似的功能。它融化和冷却彩色塑料,让你创造刚性和独立的结构。Lix有一个从USB 3.0端口供电的热端喷嘴。灯丝通过一种机制,同时通过钢笔移动,最终到达热端喷嘴,使其熔化并冷却。关于这支轻质工程化的笔,一个有趣的事实是,这些结构可以形成任何可以想象的形状。与3Doodler等同类产品相比,LIX pen外形更圆滑,笔尖更细,不过价格要贵一些。

LIX is the latest contender in the handheld 3D-printing field. Launched just a few hours ago on Kickstarter, the developers say the super compact design is smaller than any other pen on the market and it can even be powered by the electricity from a USB port. After turning it on the LIX takes less than a minute to heat up and you’re ready to start creating vertical illustrations. Via LIX:LIX 3D printing pen has the similar function as 3D printers. It melts and cools coloured plastic, letting you create rigid and freestanding structures. Lix has a hot-end nozzle that is power supplied from USB 3.0 port. The plastic filament ABS/PLA is introduced in the upper extremity of Lix Pen. The filament goes through a patented mechanism while moving through the pen to finally reach the hot-end nozzle which melts and cools it down. An interesting fact about this light-weight, engineered pen is that these structures can be formed in any imaginable shape.The LIX pen has a much sleeker form and a finer tip than similar devices we’ve seen like the 3Doodler, though it’s a bit more expensive. See more on their website. (via Mashable)