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2019-01-05 9988 0
英国艺术家克莱夫·海德在他令人目眩的油画作品中捕捉到了日常运动的复杂之美。在他漫长的职业生涯中,他的风格发生了戏剧性的变化,从早期的现实主义传统作品到最近的数字灵感作品。Head第一次出名是在20世纪90年代,他以现实主义的城市景观闻名,但在2000年开始尝试空间数学,这激发了他目前的风格。这一风格摒弃了透视的传统,产生的全景照片无缝地将不同的空间融合成看似合理但不可能的整体。海德的画作通常以城市为背景,描绘的是乘坐公共交通工具的旅行者或咖啡店的顾客,在这种环境中,频繁而密集的移动是很自然的。每一幅画都包含了支离破碎的手势,这些手势反映了时间的变化,同时也展现了一种心理视角。这位艺术家目前生活在英国约克郡他曾在加州大学洛杉矶分校(university of california, U.C.)创立并担任美术系主任约克大学的斯卡布罗。除绘画外,海德还从事版画、素描等方面的工作,并发表过绘画方面的论文。

British artist Clive Head captures the complex beauty of everyday movements in his dizzying oil paintings. His long career has seen a dramatic evolution of his style, from early work in the tradition of Realism to more recent math-inspired works. Head first gained prominence in the 1990s for his Realist urban landscapes, but began to experiment with spatial mathematics in the 2000’s, sparking his current intuitive style.“Rejecting the conventions of perspective, the resulting panoramas seamlessly merged different spaces into plausible but impossible totalities,a statement on the artist’s website explains. Often set in cities, Head’s painting’s depict travelers on public transit or customers at coffee shops, environments where frequent and dense movements are natural. Each painting contains fractured gestures that demonstrate changes in time, while also presenting a psychological perspective.The artist, who lives and works in York, U.K., has exhibited his paintings widely, and previously founded and chaired the Fine Art department at U.C.Scarbrough for York University. In addition to painting, Head also works in printmaking, drawing, and has published essays on painting. You can explore more of the artist’s work on his website. (via Hi-Fructose)