
All photos © Janus van den EijndenRomania-ba
sed architecture collective visualSKIN arrived at the Amsterdam Light Festival with a splash this year, installing a three-dimensio
nal projection of a 17-century ship against a backdro
p of water. Titled ‘Ghost Ship,‘ the installation makes use of two intersecting images projected o
nto perpendicular curtains of water that can be viewed from multiple angles. The piece is in reference to a Dutch East India Company ship, The Amsterdam, that was wrecked in a storm during its maiden voyage to Batavia in 1749.In a fortunate coincidence, and unbeknownst to visualSKIN beforehand, Ghost Ship also rests on the former site of a large water fountain designed by sculptor Albert P. Termote that was removed more than a decade ago. You can see more views of the installation right here. (via Designboom)