丹麦艺术家尼娜·桑德斯(Nina Saunders)创作了一些雕塑作品,它们会滴下、倾倒并将看似无生命的东西洒在地上,将那些舒适而俗气的家居用品变成了不用于实际用途的雕塑作品。她的作品通常都是二手家具,比如扶手椅和爱情座椅,偶尔还会把融化的钢琴扔进她的作品中。不管桑德斯对她收集的家具做了什么改变,它们总是无法使用,坐垫膨胀到不正常的比例,腿倾斜到不自然的角度。她的几件作品与班克西、大卫·施里格利、邦妮和克莱德等人的作品一起参加了最近在伦敦hangup画廊举办的hangup Collections展览。

Danish artist Nina Saunders creates sculptures that drip, tip, and spill what appears to be amorphous co
ntents o
nto the ground, turning domestic objects of comfort and kitsch into sculptural pieces unintended for practical use. Her works typically involve seco
ndhand furniture like armchairs and love seats, with the occasio
nal melting piano thrown into her multi-media practice. Floral fabrics run from chair to floor, while the shiny black exterior of a piano seems to leak from its position on the balcony of a busy mall.No matter what alteration Saunders makes to her collected furniture objects, they are always rendered unusable, with cushions balloo
ned to an abnormal proportion or legs leaning to an unnaturally slanted angle. Several of her works were included in the recent Hang-Up Collections Exhibition at Hang-Up Gallery in Lo
ndon alo
ngside works by Banksy, David Shrigley, Bo
nnie and Clyde, and several others. You can see more of Saunders’ sculptural works on her website.