法国艺术家斯蒂芬·萨尔瓦特(Steeven Salvat)长期以来一直着迷于古老生物学研究。他的作品集中充满了带有现代元素这样的渲染图,比如这一系列令人惊叹的滑板甲板装饰画。在这个名为《机械/生物[甲壳类研究]的新系列中,Salvat设想了复杂的机械装置,让螃蟹、龙虾和小龙虾坚硬的外表变得栩栩如生。

French artist Steeven Salvat has long been fascinated by the clarity and exactitude found in old biological studies. His portfolio is brimming with such renderings, usually with a modern twist such as this stunning series of decorative drawings on skateboard decks. For this new series titled Mechanical / Biological [Crustacean Study] , Salvat imagined intricate clockwork mechanisms that might animate the rigid exteriors of crabs, lobsters, and crayfish. The 10-piece collection was drawn entirely with a 0.13mm Rotring technical drawing pen, the process of which he captured in a video below. (via Colossal Submissions)