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Shantell Martin的沉浸式壁画涂鸦

2019-01-02 3119 0
纽约的英国艺术家尚特尔·马丁(Shantell Martin)以她的黑白涂鸦闻名,这些涂鸦将打补丁的脸与直白的信息结合在一起。她的壁画和身临其境的画廊展示都是凭直觉完成的,用冥想的风格构建了松散的绘画领域。马丁在纽约大学提施分校(NYU Tisch)担任互动式电信项目的兼职教授,她将视觉艺术与个人叙事和技术结合在一起。

New York-based British artist Shantell Martin is known for her black and white doodles which combine patch-worked faces with straightforward messages. Martin’s multi-dimensional works address complex issues such as identity, intersectionality, and other topics relating to the modern human condition. Her public murals and immersive gallery presentations are made intuitively, building fields of loose drawings with a meditative style. Martin teaches as an adjunct professor at NYU Tisch in the Interactive Telecommunications Program, where she combines visual art with personal storytelling and technology. You can follow her global drawings on Instagram and take a short peek into her process in the video below.