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2019-01-04 1417 10
斯蒂芬妮·克拉克(Stephanie K Clark)用布料和线轴的样板建造房屋,刺绣小房子,这些房子似乎吸收了阳光和月光。建筑及其周围的景观呈现出鲜明的色彩,支撑和环境特定的树木,仙人掌,火烈鸟,和狗躺在附近的微弱的黑色轮廓。克拉克把这些作品想象成带有线的画作,她把大部分时间都花在缝纫上,并寻找其他方法来探索创作过程。克拉克用刺绣创造了一种家庭的感觉,她准确地讲述了一个家庭生活的故事。

Stephanie K Clark builds homes from swatches of cloth and spools of thread, embroidering tiny dwellings which appear to absorb the sun and moonlight from her small-scale scenes. The structures and their surrounding landscaping appear in vibrant colors while supporting and environment-specific trees, cacti, flamingos, and dogs lay nearby in faint black outlines.The Salt Lake City-based Clark envisions the works as paintings with thread, and spends most of her time sewing and finding alternative ways to explore the creative process. “When I embroider on canvas it feels like oils; it flows, it blends, and it’s rich,says the artist on her website. “When I embroider on loose shear or silk, it’s like a watercolor; its delicate, the thread goes where it wants to go, and it moves with the fabric.Clark uses the embroidery to create a domestic feel that she believes accurately the tells the story of both a life in the home and family.Clark does not sell her embroideries online, but takes commissions via email. More work of Clark’s can be found on her blog and Instagram. (via The Jealous Curator)