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Charles Petillon创作的梦幻气球作品

2019-01-02 2759 0
查理斯·佩蒂隆(Charles Petillon)把一群气球安排在不太可能的地方——把一捆捆的亮白色物体绑在飞机装载楼梯的顶部,或者把它们放在海边的混凝土块之间。最近,这位摄影师一直专注于在空间中创造雕塑线条,将他喜欢的几个主题连接在一起。

Charles Pétillon (previously here and here) arranges groups of balloons in unlikely places—tying bundles of the light white objects to the top of aircraft loading stairs, or positioning them between concrete blocks at the ocean’s edge. Recently the photographer has been focusing on producing sculptural lines in space by linking several of his preferred subject matter together end-to-end, or placing them on top of polls in open landscapes. These images, along with a site-specific balloon installation, are included in Pétillon’s solo exhibition Stigmates at Danysz Gallery in Shanghai through January 10, 2019. You can see more of his balloon compositions on his website and Instagram.