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2019-01-12 2235 0
居住在马拉加的艺术家胡里奥·阿纳亚·卡班丁在毫无戒心的公共场所画出了著名的杰作,创造了迷人的错觉。经典的场景和它们华丽的框架是手绘在不太可能的背景上的,比如满是涂鸦的墙壁、摇摇欲坠的建筑和海边的石板。这些破旧的地点是有意选择的,Anaya Cabanding寻求与传统艺术博物馆的原始大厅鲜明的对比。他向giant解释说,这些地方不好客、颓废,不适合接收这样一件有价值的物品。“博物馆的对面。”“Anaya Cabanding象征性地”偷取艺术作品,将它们展示在废弃、边缘或难以接近的地方。为了创作每一件作品,他首先用喷漆勾勒出他的复制品,然后用丙烯酸颜料一丝不苟地填充细节。他在马拉加美术大学接受的艺术教育使他对特定地点的作品和传统的错视画产生了兴趣。在画涂鸦的朋友Imon Boy的鼓励下,他第一次把自己的作品从工作室搬到了街上。“我真的很喜欢这个结果,以及错视画和环境之间的关系,所以我决定继续这样做,”他回忆了自己最初的经历。他的干预是如此细致地呈现,以至于人们经常认为他们是ps过的,或者把他们误认为是原作。他说:“一年前,我和大学的同事们在一个展览上画了两幅卢西安•弗洛伊德(Lucian Freud)的画。”一周后,一位同事在与一位母亲交谈时发现,她仍然以为自己看到了两幅真迹。

Malaga-based artist Julio Anaya Cabanding paints well-known masterpieces in unsuspecting public places to create captivating trompe l’oeil interventions. The classic scenes and their ornate frames are hand-painted on unlikely backdrops such as graffiti-filled walls, crumbling buildings, and slabs of stones by the sea. These decrepit locations are chosen on purpose, as Anaya Cabanding seeks a distinct contrast to the pristine halls of traditional art museums. “These places are inhospitable, decadent, and inappropriate to receive such a valuable object,he explains to Colossal. “Opposite of what a museum is.”Anaya Cabanding symbolically “stealsthe works of art, presenting them in locations that are abandoned, peripheral, or difficult to access. To create each work he first outlines his replica in spray paint, and then meticulously fills in the details in acrylic paint. The practice evolved from his art education at the University of Fine Arts in Malaga where he developed an interest in site-specific works and traditional trompe l’oeil. It was at the encouragement of his graffiti-writing friend Imon Boy that he first moved his work from the studio to the street. “I really liked the result and the relationship between the trompe l’oeil painting and the environment, so I decided to continue doing that,he recounts of his initial experience.His interventions are so meticulously rendered that people often think they are Photoshopped, or mistake them for the original paintings. “A year ago I painted two paintings by Lucian Freud… in an exhibition with colleagues from the university,he says. “When talking to one of their mothers one week later, a colleague realized she still thought she had seen two real paintings.Recently Anaya Cabanding participated in the Jornadas Z de Montalbán contemporary art project organized by Rafael Jiménez and Demetrio Salces, in Córdoba, Spain. You can follow the Spanish artist’s uncanny interventions on Instagram.