陶艺家威廉·基德(William Kidd)已经工作了超过25年,他将掷轮和手工制作相结合,形成了他富有想象力的有机标本。这位住在佛罗里达的艺术家在自己的网站上分享了一份声明,称他的灵感来自自然界:“我的作品不是模仿任何真实生物,而是可能存在于其他世界的生命形式。”Kidd使用低火的红色陶器,用氧化物染色,上釉,和匍匐釉来形成雕刻的种子,水果和花朵。在这些色彩鲜艳、纹理丰富的作品表面下,突起的尖刺和凸起,茎和花从中破壳而出,预示着一种即将到来的变形。

Ceramicist William Kidd has been working for over 25 years using a combination of wheel throwing and hand building to form his imaginative organic specimens. The Florida-ba
sed artist shares in a statement on his website that he draws inspiration from the natural world: “my work is not an imitation of any real living thing, but rather life forms that might exist in some other worldly place.Kidd uses low-fire red earthenware finished with oxide stains, underglazes, and crawl glaze to form sculptural seeds, fruits, and flowers. Spikes and bulges protrude from beneath the surfaces of the brightly colored and richly textured pieces, with stalks and flowers bursting through, indicating a forthcoming me
tamorphosis. Kidd frequently shows his work at art festivals and fairs, especially in Florida. You can keep up with his show itinerary on his website and Instagram.