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2019-01-12 1428 0
今年夏天,摄影师弗洛里安·米勒(Florian Mueller)在上海为摄影展拍摄照片时,会在城市的街道上漫步,与小吃摊和其他营业到深夜的商家见面。这部名为《夜班》(Nightshift)的电视剧,除了展示潮湿夜晚小商店里的店员外,还展示了上海下班后的营业环境散发出的诱人光彩。鲜花、碳酸饮料、手机套和成熟的柑橘只是这组作品中出现的一些发光物品。

While in town for a shoot for Shanghai Photofairs this past summer, photographer Florian Mueller would wander through the city’s streets, meeting the owners of food stalls and other businesses that stayed open into the night. The series, Nightshift, observes the inviting glow that emanates from Shanghai’s after-hours operations in addition to showcasing those that staff the small shops during the humid evenings. Flowers, carbonated beverages, cell phone cases, and ripe citrus are just some of the illuminated items that appear in the suite of works. You can see more images from Nightshift on Mueller’s website and Behance, and follow his travels on Instagram.