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2019-01-12 2632 6
甲壳是德里克·哈格(Derek Hugger)(之前)设计的一件动态雕塑,模仿海龟在海洋中滑行的动作。这个木制品由600多个部件组成,可以优雅地倾斜鱼鳍,上下移动身体,甚至可以抬起头来,就像浮在水面上呼吸空气一样。一个曲柄控制着齿轮和机构的复杂结构。Hugger解释说,他们花了不少时间观看和研究海龟游泳的视频。“让甲壳的运动与真正海龟的运动非常相似是一个真正的挑战。”人们花了数不清的时间来改进雕塑的动作,使之尽可能逼真。

Carapace is a kinetic sculpture designed by Derek Hugger (previously) that mimics the motion of a sea turtle gliding through the ocean. The wooden work is composed of over six hundred parts which allow the creature to elegantly tilt its fins, move its body up and down, and even crane its head as if rising above the water for air. A single crank controls the complex structure of gears and mechanisms which were designed to flow as organically as possible. “A non-trivial amount of time was spent watching and studying videos of turtles swimming,explains Hugger. “Getting the motions of Carapace to closely resemble the motions of real turtles was a true challenge. Countless hours were spent refining the sculpture’s motion to be as lifelike as possible, even before any mechanisms were developed to drive those motions.”Hugger has also developed a hummingbird in addition to several abstract wood sculptures. You can see these works in action on his website and Youtube.