洛杉矶艺术家兼演员约瑟夫·李(Joseph Lee)画了许多层次分明的肖像画,掩盖了他笔下人物的细节和表情。他抽象的轮廓有时会在多种颜色的笔触之间透露出眼睛、鼻子或耳朵的微妙暗示,并与哑光背景相映衬,使每幅画都显得很突出。虽然面部表情往往是隐藏的,但这位自学成才的艺术家打算通过头部的转动或下巴的线条,将情感带到每一张脸上。

Los Angeles-ba
sed artist and actor Joseph Lee paints thickly layered portraits that mask the details and ex
pressions of his subjects’ faces. His abstracted profiles sometimes reveal a subtle hint of an eye, nose, or ear between multi-colored brushstrokes, and are set against matte backgrounds to make each painting pop. Although the facial ex
pressions are often hidden, the self-taught artist intends to bring emotions to each face through the turn of the head or the line of a jaw. You can see more of his impasto portraits on his website and Instagram.